About Entreprenarium
Entreprenarium is a partner to Africa 2.0 and thus, we have adopted Entrprenarium’s flagship program, The Women Capital Raising (WCR) program developed by the Entreprenarium Foundation. The WCR is a 6 week women-focused entrepreneurship program designed to equip women entrepreneurs with the necessary skills and resources to succeed in starting and operating a small or medium business. It includes 1 intensive week of master classes and 5 weeks of monitoring or personalized coaching to elaborate their business model.
As a partner of Africa 2.0, the program has since then been adopted in various chapters within the organisation.
- 1,258 entrepreneurs trained
- 88 women trained through Women Capital Raising program (WCR)
- 24 women and young entrepreneurs’ companies incubated
- 26 women and young entrepreneurs’ projects financed
- 89 jobs created by women and young entrepreneurs incubated companies
- US$641k facilitated in funding